Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Anonymous said...

They are so pretty in those dresses.
I like the colours.

Susan Mitchell said...

Such elegant ladies - the silk is a lovely contrast - bee-oo-ti-ful!

magda said...

thank you! i needed to inject some colour after these long dreary months of winter.

lauriemeseroll said...

Magda--are those beauty marks? One of my favorite things to do when I'm not getting enough attention is to add a beauty mark and see who notices--to my own face, not the paintings. I really love the dresses!--I NEED one!

magda said...

yeah, i'm ALL about the beauty marks. the bigger and more exaggerated, the better.
you got one baby! what colour dress would you like?

Tinsell and Whimsy said...

Magda.......these are wonderful.....eerily, sexy babes that remind me of the 20's bed tall are they?...I know you are on to something here!

magda said...

thanks Sue. these girls are about 6" tall. i'm working on some all-cloth (bodies with screened faces) ones that will be around 13" all. they're getting bigger and bigger. i love bed dolls, thanks for the comparison.